Employee Forced to Come in on Her Day Off, Boss Didn’t Care She Was Already Drunk
It's not good to go to work drunk, but this boss supposedly didn't care when they called in an employee who told them they had been drinking.
They went r/antiwork to get some advice on what to do, and mostly everyone said it's a bad idea to even answer the phone on your day off. If you're not scheduled don't even acknowledge that your job exists.

On their day off the employee decided they wanted to relax and have a few drinks, but in the afternoon got a call from their boss asking them to come in. After explaining they had been drinking the boss said everyone else said no, and they had to come in.

On their day off the employee decided they wanted to relax and have a few drinks, but in the afternoon got a call from their boss asking them to come in. After explaining they had been drinking the boss said everyone else said no, and they had to come in.