
Matrix Director Dunks on Elon Musk After His 'Take the Red Pill' Tweet

Elon Musk has fallen so far from grace that even the creator of The Matrix is sick of his bs. Like really, if you can get the creator of the meme your sharing to tell you to f-off, you know you're doing something wrong.

Elon Musk has had an interesting couple weeks, from the birth of a new child to his very public Twitter rants, the CEO of Space has been acting more like the CEO of Karens.


Somehow Elon Musk is trapped in the cultural on-goings of 2012. Take the 'Red Pill', really bro? What f-ing year is it? Elon Musk, the dude who just had a baby and has been having a heck of a month, is what a 'Men's rights' bro? Are you now going to MGTOW? For those who don't know, the 'red-pill' is a meme taken from The Matrix and has been co-opted by memers to symbolize the 'waking up' or the enlightenment one feels after taken it and opening their eyes to the truth. And this truth, originally was the truth of MGTOW, at least in the cannon of the 'red-pill'.


Which red-pill Elon is talking about? Because we doubt Ivanka is an MGTOW advocate. He must be talking about the one from the movie, the red-pill that helps you see the reality. It does make it funnier to think that Elon is talking about Incelism here and that Ivanka is also an incel, but they are probably too dumb or unaware of the underlying meaning behind the 'red-pill' meme.


So, instead of dunking on Ivanka and Elon for being neckbeards who think women are disposable and inherently manipulative, Lilly Wachowski, one of the creators of The Matrix, did it for us.



And the irony here is that many people in the comments had no idea who Lilly Wachowski was, lol.


Space Karen

Categories: Facepalm Karens

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