Dude Spends Time With Racist Grandpa For Inheritance, Learns Complex Truths About the Man Behind the Hate
damn_nation_inc Published 09/20/2020
He learned about the actual man behind the veneer of hatred, and ended up all the wiser for it.
These days it's too easy to simply label someone as something you find personally abhorrent and then simply write them off forever. It happens on both sides of the political spectrum, and it removes all the complexity of a person's existence.
The truth is that people aren't born with these biases - they form over time as a result of personal experiences, the influence of key adults during their formative years, and the environment around them. A lot of people have bigoted views simply from lack of interaction with the group they hate, and that hatred often dims once they actually do.
These days it's too easy to simply label someone as something you find personally abhorrent and then simply write them off forever. It happens on both sides of the political spectrum, and it removes all the complexity of a person's existence.
The truth is that people aren't born with these biases - they form over time as a result of personal experiences, the influence of key adults during their formative years, and the environment around them. A lot of people have bigoted views simply from lack of interaction with the group they hate, and that hatred often dims once they actually do.
Categories: Feels