Dude Photoshops Leatherface into Black and White Photos
zachnading Published 04/19/2022
The result of photoshopping a horror legend into iconic photos is both terrifying and hilarious given the situation.
In our endless doom-scroll sessions on the internet, we occasionally come across a diamond in the rough. Enter Donnie Goodman. The man behind his own Twitter movement 'I photoshop Leatherface into a black and white photo everyday until I forget.'
And he hasn't. Donnie is now on day 71 and his photoshop skills are absolutely killer (all pun intended.)
I never knew I needed Leatherface donning full Yankees gear. Humphrey Bogart looking like the icon that he is - standing in front of Rick's Cafe - while Leatherface attacks his unsuspecting victim? Yes, please.
I have no idea where Donnie came up with the idea, but I hope he continues this series for as long as possible. If my childhood wasn't already ruined, Donnie definitely pushed it in that direction with Leatherface photoshopped into the "FOR-EV-ER" scene from 'The Sandlot.'
And for that I wanna say 'Thank you.'
In our endless doom-scroll sessions on the internet, we occasionally come across a diamond in the rough. Enter Donnie Goodman. The man behind his own Twitter movement 'I photoshop Leatherface into a black and white photo everyday until I forget.'
And he hasn't. Donnie is now on day 71 and his photoshop skills are absolutely killer (all pun intended.)
I never knew I needed Leatherface donning full Yankees gear. Humphrey Bogart looking like the icon that he is - standing in front of Rick's Cafe - while Leatherface attacks his unsuspecting victim? Yes, please.
I have no idea where Donnie came up with the idea, but I hope he continues this series for as long as possible. If my childhood wasn't already ruined, Donnie definitely pushed it in that direction with Leatherface photoshopped into the "FOR-EV-ER" scene from 'The Sandlot.'
And for that I wanna say 'Thank you.'