
Husband Totally Obliterates Wife’s Pet Goldfish

In a wild story from the world of Reddit, a man obliterated his wife's goldfish.

What he thought was going to be a simple task to save his wife from anymore trauma turned into a horrific nightmare for Reddit user, fishyfishoh (an unfortunate username given what we know now.)

After realizing that their pet goldfish had fallen deathly ill and would need to be euthanized, the husband took it upon himself to dispose of the animal. As he tells it, when he was a young angler he would basically bash the fish that he and his family had caught so that they could then cook the animals for dinner.

Apparently this is an acquired skill and in an attempt to put it to good use, our hero decided to place the goldfish in a bag, give it one good slam off a kitchen counter, and be done with it.

It was a bit more complicated than that...I'll let our dude fishyfishoh tell the story.

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