25 Double Standards That Drove People Mad
But there are some double standards out there that make our blood boil. And here are just a few that make us really furious!

“I can’t believe you waste your time playing video games!” proceeds to binge 8 hours of Netflix -u/shifty_coder

When I worked for a supermarket in the UK that rhymes with Baitrose, I bleached my hair. I’m a man. They ordered me to cut it all off and then changed my shift to be an outdoor trolley collector. And I had to wear a hat. The person who told me to do this had bleached blonde hair. They were not a man.-u/Kalesche

My daughter and I have some things that have become traditions. We always go to Starbucks before school on Fridays, we like to go eat sushi for lunch on Tuesdays when she gets out of school early and we usually go just the two of us.
I get all kinds of dirty looks because people assume that a 45-year-old guy who's out with a beautiful young woman (16 going on 25) is some sort of lecherous monster. It sucks, but I've been learning to brush it off.-u/beeedeee
At work, if I am 5 mins late they will certainly let me know about it. But if I stay behind 15 mins later than my finish, not even a mention.-u/BleMaeBen
35 years ago and it still pisses me off. I got detention in high school, no biggie...I did the crime. However, I was scheduled to work so I asked for detention to be delayed for one day. Request denied. I pointed out that football players routinely had theirs rescheduled to accommodate games and practice. The only answer I got was "That's different."-u/pants_overrated
When I was about 16, My dad (a baptist missionary pastor) once preached a 2-hour sermon on “the perils of pornography” and how absolutely evil it was, gotta save yourself for marriage, etc.. (he had also beaten the sh*t out of me for catching me with porn a couple of months prior) that same night when we got home from church, he asked me to bring him his phone that he’d left in the car. I opened it to find months of daily porn-watching in his internet history lmao-u/elchefeh69420
One of the Regional Managers goes to State Prison for over a year for DWI. If you know anything about Texas DWI laws, that means he got caught multiple times. Comes out of Prison, is immediately transferred to Corporate, and made a Director.....A brand new employee is rear-ended in Stop/Go traffic on the highway. No injuries, but forced to take a drug test. Fails for weed, immediately fired. -u/shadow247
If there’s any issue big or small at daycare or school, they call the mom first.-u/mmmmmmmmmmmmmmfarts
Couldn't get my tubes tied without my husband's consent. Meanwhile, he had a vasectomy without even my knowledge.-u/kw66
When I was a school nurse I was always alone with whatever children needed assistance, even after I would ask for help. New male school nurse started, and all of a sudden, three other people are available just to watch him. I felt terrible for the guy, but literally, no one trusted him with the diabetic kid or the kid with the trach alone. “Oh, he can’t be alone!” But for me a woman was never questioned, double standards abound.-u/pretendthisisironic
It’s considered kind and noble to put down a pet that is old and suffering, even if you can’t really tell how they are feeling or coping but if someone is suffering majorly and in pain and at the end of their life and is fully communicating, they still can’t give you permission to go forward with euthanasia.-u/NapCaptain
My high school English teacher would hear something even remotely phone-like and EXPLODE "WHOSE PHONE IS THAT!?!?!"If no one answered right away she would pace the desks, and if anyone acted "suspicious" she would have them empty their pockets, bags, etc on the desk. If there was a phone, she confiscated it.
If there were any unread notifications, she would read them aloud. But, every now and again, she would do her whole explosion, then glance down and giggle and say "oh, it's my phone" and then text away. Also, she was a terrible English teacher.-u/finalbeginning96
For the purposes of this story, I have two little brothers. They do not share mothers. We were eating breakfast with the mother of one of them. The other one is a picky eater; he has issues with texture, but he never complains, just powers through as best he can. She got up to get coffee, and they traded plates. Her bio son had almost cleaned his, and her stepson had eaten about half, before the trade. Then they both got up and took their plates to her like they'd finished, and she accepted them both as done. You see, when her bio son says he's full, she believes him. When her stepson says he's full, she doesn't. So they made it look like the step had eaten more because they knew the bio's plate would be accepted in any condition.I never told them that I know they did this (and probably have for a while), but I love that they figured a way around her double standards.-u/CrazyRainbowStar
A girl I dated in high school would often vent to me about her friends' boyfriends doing the same things she would do to me. For example, we'd see each other every weekend. She wanted to see me more often, but we lived 40 minutes from each other, gas was expensive, I was broke, and I had homework and extracurriculars, so I was busy during the week.
She got mad and angrily told me to let her know when I cared enough to pencil her into my calendar. Not too much later, she was on the phone with me, telling me how her friend's boyfriend said the same thing to her friend and what an asshole he was for it. When I called her out, she just made up some crap about how our situation was different.-u/VisionInPlaid
Me and a classmate wrote the same answer with different wordings on a test. My classmate got the answer marked wrong. Luckily because I am her favorite (I don't enjoy it) I was able to negotiate with her and she changed the mark. Although it's still infuriating that it actually happened in the first place and yes, she didn't like him at the time.-u/Fi11a
We had a really expensive camping trip in middle school. Get to this place and the girls' rooms are in camp; thick clay walls, fridges, plugs. Totally f*ckin decked out. The boys' cabins? A 15-minute walk away from the main place, and right next to a dam; the walls were CARDBOARD and the place had more holes than a block of Swiss cheese. I still feel robbed.-u/psychoxxsurfer
The youth minister at the church I attended told my girlfriend’s parents that I did drugs and that she should break up with me. Which she did. It really made buying drugs from that guy awkward.-u/Left_Apparently
When we bought our house my wife set up all the utilities. I’m on the spectrum, I really really hate dealing with that stuff, bills, money… I go to work and earn the money, she does the budgeting and makes sure everything gets paid. It’s crazy to me how often a company will have to have me get on the phone to make a change or whatever on an account that SHE set up! I’m the husband so I must be in charge of the finances?-u/goodolewhasisname
When my dad lit up cigarette #2 of 3 during a 20-minute talk about the dangers of smoking and how he'd kick my butt if I ever started. Meanwhile, I had asthma and chronic bronchitis from all the secondhand smoke in the house-u/TakeoGaming
Got written up for wearing nice shorts to work. In an IT position. No customer-facing roles at all. My female manager and all other women in the company were permitted to wear any type of dress or skirt. My manager always wore her athletic skirt she worked out in. It was less than knee length. F*ck you Black Hills Energy-u/theitguy52
I went to a small Bible college where we had to sign a contract promising not to drink or have premarital sex while enrolled there. At one point a couple was caught having sex, the guy was put on some sort of light probation (of course he was still able to play on the school’s basketball team) and the girl was immediately expelled.-u/katieoffloatsmoke
When I was a sophomore, a group of freshman girls all decided to go around slapping guys because they thought the reactions were hysterical. I made it very clear if any of them did that to me, I would slap the sh*t out of them. Lo and behold after several other guys were hit and nothing done, one of them surprised me in the hallway and racked me.
I promptly slapped her across the face and was sent to the principal's office by a female teacher who witnessed the whole thing. Thankfully, the principal was more understanding and just sent me back to class. Still, the whole thing pisses me off over a decade later.-u/TX_Metal
My mom gets mad at me for being at home all the time and never going over to friends' houses and stuff. I get a girlfriend and a job so now I'm never home and she gets pissed off about it.-u/TheRealSU
Middle age woman I used to work with was always complaining about her son in law and one day she was complaining to me and saying how “he doesn’t clean her daughter's car off when it snows and that is something the man should be doing” and I responded with “sure, but how would you feel if he said the same thing about dishes and being something the woman should do”? She paused and then said she never thought of it that way lol-u/Kvothetheraven603