17 Disturbing Facts We'd Rather Not Know
Despite all of its beauty and natural wonders, the world can be a truly creepy place, with an even creepier history. Thomas Edison's spite-fueled penchant for electrocuting animals. Turkeys cannibalistic habits. The hundreds of dead bodies peppering Mount Everest. It's weird out there, and fortunately — or unfortunately – for you, we have all the dirty details.
From Roman goat torture to the hidden dangers of elevators, here are 17 disturbing facts we'd rather not know.

In the United States, roughly 2,300 children are reported missing every, per Child Find of America.

“It used to be believed that babies as old as 15 months couldn't feel pain. As a result, doctors would preform surgery without anesthesia. Doctors used muscle relaxants on the infants to prevent squirming, essentially paralyzing the babies for the duration of the procedure. How long ago was this? Reports indicate that this continued up until the 1980’s.”
“Due to Fresh drinking water being so scarce on the Galápagos Islands, some bird species, such as the Galapagos Hawk, have adapted by drinking the blood of other animals.”
“The Romans used to torture people by having goats lick their feet. Goats like salt so they would soak their feet in salt water. Eventually the goat’s tongue was rough enough that the skin would wear away, then you’d have a wound with salt trickling in…”
Roughly 30 people in the United States die — and 17,000 are injured — in elevator accidents each year.
The United States has reportedly lost anywhere from three to six nuclear weapons that have yet to be found.
“There's over 200 dead bodies on Mount Everest and they're used as waypoints for other climbers.”
“A vitamin D deficiency can make you suicidal, and deficiencies among adults is very common. Like more than 50% of the population in the US.”
“There's people out there who get aroused by the thought of being or actually being furniture.”
“Thomas Edison electrocuted dogs, cats, cows, horses, and an elephant in an attempt to discredit Nikola Tesla's work with AC electricity.”
Turkeys have been known to self-cannibalize. They would even eat each other while they were alive.
“I think it might be a decently common fact but it disturbs me so much that i’m gonna say it anyway: less than 5% of the ocean has been explored by humans.”