25 Disappointing Things We Keep Going Back To
Featured 44 minutes ago
You'd think life would be simple. If something sucks, we just walk away...right?
Sadly, no. Most of us just keep going back to the different things that disappoint us. And what are the disappointing things we keep returning to? Let's find out!
Sadly, no. Most of us just keep going back to the different things that disappoint us. And what are the disappointing things we keep returning to? Let's find out!
15. Tinder. My sister has literally hundreds of matches on it.I have like, 4 and none have ever replied.-u/LeDevilsAdvocate2021
22. Twizzlers. They look and smell like they might be tasty but they always just taste like vaguely cherry flavored wax.-u/SmartAlec105
24. Taco Bell. I mean it was never really good but in the last couple of years it has fallen off the cliff. For some reason every couple of months I’ll give it another shot just to be disappointed and throw most of it away and say never again.-u/Pdt801