
15 Dirty Caves Drawings That Prove Humans Have Always Been Perverts

Some of history's greatest filthy art, including vaginal rock carvings, ancient Egyptian pegging, and doggy-style cave drawings

1. The Dog Days Are Far From Over

This 9,000-year-old Algerian cave painting keeps it simple. Sometimes, it takes a dirty mind to find the filth hiding in art but in this case, it is incredibly obvious what is going on here. Someone wanted to pay tribute to doggy style and they succeeded.


These was found in Abri Castanet in southern France and it’s a bit comforting knowing that even 37,000 years ago, you could still count on the French to be artfully perverted.

3. Art Rocks

This vaginal rock carving was found in Abri Castanet in southern France and it’s a bit comforting knowing that even 37,000 years ago, you could still count on the French to be artfully perverted.


4. The Original Political Cartoon Was About Pegging

Hatshepsut, the only female pharaoh, seemingly pegging somebody (some believe it was her chief architect Senmut)

5. Ancient Babylonian Boning

This 4,000-year-old Terracotta plaque was found in Istanbul and features two people expressing their love in the purest way possible. And I think that's beautiful.

6. German Tusk Vagina

The resourcefulness of humanity is on full display here, as 35,000 years ago, some skeevy genius used a Mammoth tusk to create a vagina.

7. Queer Cave Orgy

This 10,000-year-old Sicilian orgy cave painting has extra significance beyond its obvious raunchiness, as many believe the painting is some of the earliest queer art as well.

8. Bronze Age Boner

Sometimes a makeout session gets a little hot and heavy and you get an unexpected rush of blood to the penis. We've all been there. It's a tradition that dates all the way back to the Bronze Age, according to this Swedish cave painting.

9. Rock Hard Dick Carvings

Dr. Andreas Vlachopoulos, a specialist in prehistoric archaeology who discovered these 5th Century BC rock inscriptions on on the Aegean island in Greece, described them as "triumphant inscriptions" that "not only expressed sexual desire but talked about the act of sex itself." Well said.



11. Getting a Leg (Or Two) Up in the Bedroom

This 1st Century Indian clay plaque features a woman showing off some impressive flexibility during sex. I just hope she remembered to stretch beforehand

12. The Cave Drawing Guy Who Takes the Joke Too Far

Hopefully I am wrong but this cave drawing looks a lot like something that, even 8,000 years ago, I assume would have been frowned upon.

13. Hop On

Before it was destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius, it turns out Pompeii was the epicenter of dirty art


14. Love On Top

More evidence of Pompeii's love of debaucherous art

15. Big Dick Energy

Priapus is a minor rustic fertility god who, for some reason, became a prominent figure in Roman erotic art for having a massive dick, as seen here.

16. Ancient Egyptian Oral Tradition

The Turin Erotic Papyrus is a legendary scroll that featured some dirty art created created during the Ramesside Period, approximately in 1150 B.C. In this case, a woman is getting ready while a man services her downstairs.


17. Sharing Is Caring

Yet another discovery from the Turin Erotic Papyrus. This time, it's a giant orgy


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