
'Things That Never Happened': 19 People Lying Online

People lying online for clout and fake internet points.


The internet can be a great place full of entertainment, news, research, and much, much more. However, due to the anonymous factor of the internet and certain websites, apps, and social media platforms, people have a tendency to get a little carried away when it comes to telling a story, recalling an event, or sharing some personal information. For folks, it seems that the temptation to lie is just too strong to resist. After all, what's the harm in sprucing up a story or adding some juicy details that never happened?

In this round-up of pics, we see people who choose to take to the internet and tell some "little white lies" and tall tales to pump themselves up. Maybe they are doing it for clout or fake internet points, or maybe they just want to appear to everyone else as the hero they never were. Either way, it makes for some hilarious and cringeworthy reading, so enjoy!

2. Dr. Doolittle over here...

3. Savage.


4. Yeah this totally happened.

5. And everyone stood up and clapped.

6. YOu can't even form a coherent sentence.

7. And then the President gave him an award.

8. I'll take things that never happened for $100, Alex.

9. Then they disowned him and adopted her.


10. Just bring my food please, I don't need your critique.

11. Yeah cause you can totally just drop 40 grand on a credit card with out any alerts or authorization.

12. Oh no, too bad it never happened.

13. I mean, they may have a point.


14. This is the only one that might be remotely true-ish.

15. Mhhhmmm, I'm sure.

16. Okay Grandma, let's get you to bed.


17. Congratulations, you just admited to credit card fraud.

18. Enjoy your jail time!

19. You go girl.


20. No she didnt.


Next on eBaum's

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