
"Fake Hands" Secret Service Agent from Trump's Inauguration

Donald Trump's Presidency ended today and his time as Commander-in-Chief was anything but 'normal'. Looking back to this day four years ago, we find things started much the same way they ended, in confusion and wild conspiracy. Though in the end, you don't need us to tell you how it played out.


The moment a man or woman becomes the President of the United States, protection is upgraded. Every step, move is heavily guarded.


This was no exception during the inauguration on January 20, 2017. As tradition holds, the President, First Lady, Vice-President and their respective families, lead the inauguration parade. They walk through Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House.


As expected the President is surrounded with secret service agents. They are the men in black suits with serious, steel gazes. Most viewers do not pay much attention to the brave men and women working hard to ensure the First Family is safe from danger. Except for this guy.



Viewers believe this man standing a few steps behind First Lady Melania Trump had a fake hand. His plastic looking hand many believe was actually a concealed weapon.


In the clip of a video you see the hand move just slightly. Prompting many to say this was just a crazy theory.


But the hand does not seem to move naturally. If anything, it makes others more doubtful.


In this clip, you see him closing the door of a car. But is that how most people would close the door or is it protocol?


Close-ups do show that his right hand and his left hand do not look the same. One does not look human.


Some who analyze photos and videos of the man claim he may have switched his weapon. Meaning, during the parade he had the weapon ready to be used at any moment.



Once he realized there was no imminent danger, he took it off. Many pointed out how his right hand was holding to the pinky finger on the left.


This may be in case he has to pull what he has in a moment's notice. Although the skin tone looks like a perfect match to his other hand.


Throughout the parade, the man kept holding his hand. Secret service agents go through extensive training to get to where they are.


They begin by completing a 10-week training program, followed by a 17-week special agent training course. They're initial training takes place in Georgia. For the 17-week more specialized program, they are taken to Washington D.C.



Agents must pass both courses in their first attempt. After President John F. Kennedy's assassination, agents were allowed to carry weapons.


The secret service agency was established on July 5, 1865. It's original goal was to combat and suppress counterfeit currency.


Ironically, the legislation documents to create the agency were on Abraham Lincoln's desk the very night he was assassinated. A patrolman was in charge of Lincoln on that fateful night, but the man moved from his post to get a better view of the play.



The assassination of President William McKinley in 1901 prompted Congress to make the secret service responsible to protect the leader of the free world. Whether it's a fake hand or not, it's fair to say this agency knows what it's doing.


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