Daily Amazon Deals You Should Take Advantage Of

Amazon marks down products everyday as part of their daily deals and these are some of the products we think you'd like from today.


Our first deal of the day is this Wsky Home Projector for sale for just $118.99 on Amazon, and is perfect for watching home movies or your favorite sports games. Home projectors really turn that at home experience into something special.


And what better to pimp out your new home movie theater with than some awesome LED Lights for sale for just $23.71 on Amazon. This strip of led lights can be color controlled with an app on your phone and will turn any boring room into a special place.


If you're looking for something a little more silly then we have you covered. The Potty Putter is for sale for just $9.47 on Amazon. The potty putter is better than taking your phone to the bathroom and also a great way to practice your stoke while taking a poop.



The Rapid Dash Egg cooker is for sale for just $14.99 on Amazon, and will make the best most rapid eggs around. The rapid dash egg cooker makes breakfast just that much better. But hey why just have hard boiled eggs in the morning when you can eat them all day long.


The SNAPTAIN A15 Foldable drone is a great steal today on Amazon's deal and sells for just $56.09. This drone is equipped with WIFI and a wide angle 720 HD camera that will make your drone video shoots look great. This could be a great present for dad and an even better one for the kids.


The Wyze Cam Indoor wireless home camera is equipped with Google Assistant and person detection giving you that much needed peace of mind. As one of Amazon deals today you can pick up the Camera for just $25.38.


Another great deal today is the Victrola Vintage turntable with speakers that goes for just $39.96 for a limited time. You can $20 dollars if you buy today, and will finally have the much needed music accessory you've been missing.


These Sun Nowa blue light blocking glasses are an essential for anyone who spends a lot of time online or on their phones. As a part of the daily Amazon deals you can pick them up for a limited time for juts $13.55.


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