Dad's Threatening Letter to Daughter's Ex-Boyfriend Is Twitter Gold
nootens Published 06/02/2020
Apparently sending threatening letters is still a thing. Although with all the other options for communicating with people today, it feels more silly than anything.
Many years after this guy was in high school and slept with his then girlfriend, her dad wrote him a letter to say he was going to use the wrath of God to cast a holy spell on him as revenge.
Apparently the spell should make the guy suddenly age by 49 years while also making the dad 49 years younger. Huh, don't think I'd heard that Bible story before.
After this went viral, the dad unfriended the guy on Facebook, again citing some obscure Bible passages that he knows nothing about.
Dads: sometimes much creepier than moms.
Many years after this guy was in high school and slept with his then girlfriend, her dad wrote him a letter to say he was going to use the wrath of God to cast a holy spell on him as revenge.
Apparently the spell should make the guy suddenly age by 49 years while also making the dad 49 years younger. Huh, don't think I'd heard that Bible story before.
After this went viral, the dad unfriended the guy on Facebook, again citing some obscure Bible passages that he knows nothing about.
Dads: sometimes much creepier than moms.

So he threatened to violently murder her ex-boyfriend (although he's too Christian to go through with it, apparently).
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