
Loser Dad Demands Participation Ribbon For Son, Ends Up With Something Worse

This Karate instructor demonstrates a perfect case of malicious compliance, after this dad demands that his son be awarded with some form of participation award despite losing the event in question.

This old school martial arts teacher uses a system where only winners are allowed to advance in belt rank, and after this dad's kid loses, he demands that his kid be awarded something since he could not move up in rank. Despite the fact that the kid has no issues with the fact that he lost and is taking it like an adult, his grown father can't. So this instructor gives both the kid and the dad a "loser" ribbon as an award. As angry as the dad becomes, the kid to his credit wears the "loser" ribbon as motivation, and ultimately advances to the next level. The dad... well he seems like the real loser. This story is from r/Malicious Compliance.

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