
Entrepreneur Turned Cuddle Buddy Earns Over 50k a Year Hugging Strangers

She is certainly squeezing the most out of this opportunity.


Cecelia Baez, 24, has made a full-time career from spending up to 15 hours per week cuddling strangers that she has met online, charging over $80 an hour.


The young woman who also works as a bartender, spending hours hugging her clients, discussing what is happening in their lives, and listening to their problems.


Cecelia also gives life advice to her clients whilst they are hugging – ranging from what new hobbies they should pick up, to tips on their dating life.



And despite initially feeling nervous in her position, she explains that since working for Cuddlist she has been able to receive mutual benefits from her cuddling sessions with strangers. Cecelia said: “As soon as I started cuddling, I never looked back and knew it was the perfect job for me.


The girl says that her life goal is to help others become a better version of themselves. She believes in prosperity, not just survival.


Despite the stigma behind careers such as Cecelia’s, she explains that her family and friends are completely behind her job path. She said: “My family is very supportive – I’ve always been someone who thinks outside the of what is deemed “normal,” and they’ve become very open minded to how society is shaping.


“In a world where we are more connected than ever through cellular devices; we also have less in-person interactions and feel more alone than before.


"I am always comfortable in what I do and make sure I have good communication with all of my clients to ensure I do not put myself in a situation that makes me uncomfortable.”

Categories: Ftw Feels

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