
Travis Tritt Gets Meme'd After Feeding the Trolls

Lets this be a lesson to everyone over the age of 45. If you amplify the trolls who are trolling you, expect more people to pile on, it's simple internet mechanics. If you show any sign of weakness, you're 'enemy' has already won. Country singer Travis Tritt learned this lesson first hand over the weekend when people started meme-ing a photoshopped image of him wearing make-up.


Travis Tritt Per my friend , type in your Twitter search bar. Block at least twenty of these accounts per day. We will soon make them as irrelevant as they have tried to make the rest of us.

So before Travis found himself as the focal point of a viral photshop meme-ing, he went semi-viral for this tweet above where he talks about blocking twitter accounts sharing the resist hashtag, a hashtag used by people in opposition of President Trump. And what happened after would be a good lesson for anyone not sure how to manage your persona.


Travis Tritt Just for clarification, more proof of the dishonesty of the left. Here is the original photo of me next to the doctored version that is being circulated by the left in an attempt to try to humiliate me. Exposing these frauds for the liars the

And what did Travis Tritt do? He appealed to peoples sensibilities, sharing both the original and doctored photographs to help get ahead of any confusion his followers might encounter in his mentions or otherwhere. But that's not what you should do when you're getting trolled. Not if you don't want people to join in. By amplifying the make-up photoshop on his page he unknowingly promoted it to an even bigger crowd.


Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture. contexto They're the same picture.

And well, the rest of the story goes something like this.





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