
Employee Leaves Work during Busy Rush after Being Denied Overtime Pay

A tale about a company's common sense, or lack thereof.

This one comes to us from the subreddit, Malicious Compliance. And it's honestly pretty self-explanatory. If an employee does extra work, but you can't afford or don't want to give them overtime pay then that employee MUST be paid another way.

In this case the employee chose to leave work early on a Friday and take those hours that they lost back from the company. Perfect right? Only the company made a huge mistake in thinking that they wouldn't be short-staffed and overworked when this employee left early. So not only are they in the weeds, but it just proved they were bluffing the entire time and when push came to shove, they offered the employee overtime pay after all. Too little too late.

Sorry not sorry. Have fun trying to do all that work by yourself because you wouldn't just approve the overtime pay in the first place! Good luck.

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