
Choosing Beggar Furious After Lowball Offer Gets Rejected

You gotta know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em - a skill this dude clearly lacks. Everyone wants to get a good deal or talk themselves into a discount, but sometimes it can be easier said than done, especially if you get too pushy or appear too desperate.

Negotiating a deal is a delicate art. You've got to gauge how far you can push the other party - go *too* low and you've ended negotiations before they ever started. Don't go low enough and you've left money on the table. Practice makes perfect and not everyone is born a salesman, negotiator, or haggler. On the other hand, some people seem to be natural at this craft.

Then you've gotta consider how willing the other party is to walk away - if they're desperate you've got more leeway to go lower. If they have plenty of other buyers, however, you may need to just pull the trigger before you lose out altogether.
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