wow Celebrities Signing Autographs For Other Celebrities MainFeature Published 05/25/2016 Everybody loves famous people, even famous people! 1. Mick Jagger signs an autograph for Andy Warhol. Save 2. Elijah Wood gets an autograph from Turkish singer Selda Bağcan. Save 3. A young Elvis Presley signs an autograph for Madonna. Save Advertisement 4. Eva Mendes gets an autograph from Alyssa Milano in 1989. Save 5. Frank Sinatra meets Yankees star Lou Gehrig. Save 6. John Boyega gets an autograph from Harrison Ford. Save 7. John F. Kennedy signs an autograph for Barbra Streisand. Save 8. Michael Jordan asks for Ken Griffey Jr.'s autograph. Save 9. Muhammad Ali signs an autograph for Pope John Paul II. Save Advertisement 10. Gwen Stefani getting an autograph from STING! Save 26 83,399 Views 21 Comments 3 Favorites Categories: Wow Pop Culture Tags: celebrities for other Next Show Comments Next on eBaum's No Articles Found No Articles Found Sorry, we were unable to load more articles Try Again! Congratulations! You've reached the end of the never-ending list. {{title}}