
Car Burglar Overlooks Lotto Ticket Worth $1 Million

Things went from bad to good real quick.


A couple in Seattle, Washington recently came out to their car only to find it had been broken into. There were only a few things in the car for the burglar to take and all that wound up missing was a cheap pair of sunglasses. Little did the burglar know, there was a lottery ticket in the car that was worth $1 million.


The owners of the car had bought a Powerball ticket back in February. When the numbers were drawn at the end of the month, and they lost, they figured that the ticket was useless. The couple had completely forgotten about the ‘second chance’ prize, but when they found the ticket after the break in, they decided to check it out just in case. Sure enough, the ticket was a winner and they were now millionaires (before taxes of course). The store that sold the ticket got a kickback of ten grand for the sale of the ticket and couple has already booked a trip to Paris to celebrate.


In the end, the lucky couple is enjoying their newly acquired fortune while the burglar who sparked the whole ordeal has to deal with it in some cheap stolen sunglasses. Serves them right.

Categories: Wow

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