
Caitlyn Jenner May Face Manslaughter Charge In Malibu Crash

Bruce Jenner was involved in a deadly car crash in Malibu earlier this year.


Caitlyn Jenner may soon face a charge of manslaughter in connection with a deadly car crash in Malibu earlier this year, according to local law enforcement. A representative for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said that the case would be presented to the district attorney's office sometime next week, and there is apparently a "50/50" chance that Jenner will be charged with misdemeanor manslaughter.


Jenner, who was still publicly identifying as Bruce at the time, was involved in a chain reaction crash in Malibu on February 7 that led to the death of Kim Howe.


According to authorities, while Jenner's Escalade "was not speeding, [Jenner] was driving too fast for the day's road conditions" when she hit Howe's car (which itself was stopped after having just rear-ended another vehicle), sending it into oncoming traffic and killing Howe at the scene.



Since the crash Jenner has been making even more headlines. In July Bruce fully transitioned into a woman, becoming Caitlyn Jenner, and appearing on the cover of Vanity Fair.


Caitlyn then received the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage at the ESPY Awards in Los Angeles later that same month.


At the time of the crash, Jenner released a statement calling the accident "a devastating tragedy" and pledged to cooperate with police in their investigation. She is currently facing a civil lawsuit filed by Howe's family, along with another civil suit from another woman injured in the crash. If convicted of manslaughter, Jenner could face a year in jail. Which begs the question; would she go to a men's or women's facility?

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