
Bullied Dancing Man Gets A Well Deserved Party

The powers of the internet made it all work out in the end.


#FindDancingMan is officially one of the internet’s most successful–and heartfelt–campaigns to ever go viral. If you hadn’t already heard about how Sean O’Brien was mocked by jerks at a club a couple months back and how the internet rallied to support the bullied dancer, you are missing out on a wild phenomenon.


The movement to find Sean and to throw him a great party was spearheaded by Cassandra Fairbanks on her Twitter account. And it turns out that what Cassandra started, the world has now taken note of and decided to become torch bearers for treating Sean to a wonderful time.


This weekend, O’Brien’s party finally took place! Moby actually DJ’d the event, anti-bullying advocate Monica Lewinsky turned up and Pharrell recorded a special video message to help make the night one for the ages.



The party had all the bells and whistles, and according to BBC, nearly 1,000 people turned up to the event, which was organized by DanceFree Movement, which also raised money for other anti-bullying charities. Needless to say, Sean danced his pants off and everybody was in great spirits.


You might think the celebration stopped there, however, not so. The “Dancing Man” enjoyed other life-changing experiences, such as being honored to throw out the first pitch at a Dodgers game…


Sean also appeared with Fairbanks on the Today show.


And a college student even used his story as the subject of a college term paper! My guess is this story has the legs to run a good while longer, and to that I say, hear, hear!! I love when the world illustrates its capacity for kindness to complete strangers.

Categories: Wow

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