
BlazeTv Host Gets Triggered By Parasite Director Bong Joon-ho's Oscar Speech

This is it, the destruction of America is finally upon us.


synonyms are weird - Jon Miller A man named Bong Joon Ho wins for best original screenplay over Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and 1917. Acceptance speech was "Great Honor. Thank You." Then he proceeds to give the rest of his speech in Korean. These people

BlazeTV host Jon Miller had some thought's about last night's Oscars. Which of course surmount to the destruction of America, I mean, can someone who works for Glenn Beck have any lens besides the decay of our Republic? But what about the Oscars upset him so much? That's right Koreans, oh those damn Koreans and their *checks notes* speaking Korean!


angle - t. Jon Miller Retweeted Mike Cernovich 10h It's clear Stream didn't mean a racial reference with this impreciselyworded Tweet. Writers have editors for a reason. It'd be nice if people attacking Jon would mention the many Asian Americans targeted

But don't worry, his big brained friends came to his defense. Please Mike, tell us what he means? Because it doesn't seem to make any sense to me either.


angle - tJon Miller Retweeted Jack Posobiec . 9h In the first reading it was obvious Jon was referring to Hollywood here Jon Miller Stream 14h A man named Bong Joon Ho wins for best original screenplay over Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and 1917. Acceptan

Oh he means, these people as in Hollywood, right. How could Hollywood award a Korean film with an Oscar, how could they, the end is neigh.



LOL what an idiot.

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