
Unidentifiable Monolith Rediscovered in Utah

2020 is not done with our asses yet. At this rate, whoever is running the great simulation will having nothing left for the 2021 season of humanity. The plot for this year has been anything but predictable, so if you're holding out for aliens, get your bingo markers ready, because it's only a matter of time.


You thought things couldn't get any worse? Well, you better hold on, because last week, wildlife officials, while counting sheep from a helicopter in the Utah desert, spotted a shinny metal triangle sticking out of the ground.


And well, the hype was a bit short lived. According to Futurism, the object has been there since 2015. Though it's still a mystery who put the structure there, some people have already found its location.


The shiny object is most than likely an art installation. And now that the location has been made public, people will flock to its location. It looks too similar to Stanley Kubrick's monolith in '2001: A Space Odyssey' to be 'authentically alien', though a guy can dream can't he?



This must have been the most exciting day in the history of Utah's Department of Public Safety and Division of Wildlife Resources. What I would pay to have been among them. I mean, what would you do, if while counting goats from a helicopter you saw some shinny triangular object protruding from the ground?


"Hmm yeah Tom, I think gunna touch it" . . "Yup I'm touching it, no gloves"


"Tom, could you boost me a bit?" "Let's measure it with our bodies" "Okay yeah, it the size of two of us." "Hey, no thrusting Tom."


"Well, we have more goats to count. Let's get back in the chopper, Tom."


Whatever the monolith is, we bet there's going to a crowd of people gathering around any day now. Area 51 raid version 2.0.

Categories: Wtf Pop Culture

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