
Bill Paxton's Top 10 Roles In His Career

Bill Paxton died today at 61 from complications from surgery. Here's a look back at this amazing actor's most poignant and hilarious characters.



Bill Henrickson - Paxton played Bill Henrickson the lead in HBO's 'Big Love' where he was a practicing polygamist that later was elected to the Utah State Senate.


bill paxton en titanic - Sno

Brock Lovett - The famed treasure hunter from 1997's major smash hit Titanic. Paxton approached the role by playing Lovett with a man that was truly interested in sunken history and the treasures that it could hold. His character moves the film along through an interview with the aging Rose.


pina coladaburg

Coconut Pete - With a turn towards the hilarious, Paxton played Jimmy Buffet rip off/hack 'Coconut Pete' in Broken Lizards 2004 movie Club Dread. With pot smoking, hot chicks and the song "Pina Coladaburg" this is definitely one to light up and crack up too.



The Leader of the Punks - One of his first roles, Paxton gets dealt with by the Terminator over some clothes and a switch-blade. Who can forget his iconic line, "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!"


Master Sergeant Farell - One of his last roles, Master Sergeant Farrell is the hard as leader of 'J Squad' in Edge of Tomorrow starring Tom Cruise.


Pvt. William Hudson - A combat technician in the United States Colonial Marine Corps, part of 2nd Battalion Bravo Team, Paxton played the role perfect in Aliens. His most iconic and repeated line ever, "Game over, man! Game over! What the fuck are we gonna do now?!" was from this film.


Dale 'Hurricane' Dixon - From a little unknown movie called One False Move, Dale Dixon is a loud-mouthed, cocky and badass star police chief played by Paxton, trying to bust a drug ring sending Cocaine from Cali to Texas. If you haven't seen this one, you should definitely check it out.


Chet Donnelly - Who could forget Paxton's hilarious and terrifying villain role in Weird Science? As the military school cadet, he tortures his younger brother and his friend by extorting them for money so that he won't tell the parents his brothers sexy Frankenstein-like secret.


Severen - In 1987's Near Dark, Paxton plays Severen, the psychotic vampire out to kill the protagonist of the film. If you haven't seen this one, we HIGHLY recommend you do.



Bill Harding - In one of his most iconic roles that boosted him from character actor to star, Paxton plays the crazy Tornado hunter that will do anything to get close to one of nature's most perfect killing machines.

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