
Big Yikes: 19 Classic Movies That Did Not Age Well

Some movies are timeless classics. The kind of movies you can look forward to showing your grandchildren.

Some movies, though, we hope our grandchildren NEVER see. Which movies have aged the worst? We rounded them up in this slideshow that prove not all movies can withstand the test of time.


Eraser. Thought it was cool. Showed it to the wife and she laughed hysterically at the whole movie. On the other hand, True Lies still holds up surprisingly well.-u/jeyise4954


Never Been Kissed The teacher becomes interested in Drew Barrymore’s character. She’s an adult but “plays” a high school student. -u/ridome9299


Revenge of the Nerds I mean, it was considered misogynistic and racist even by the standards of the day.-u/asoiahats



Breakfast at Tiffany's, specifically Mickey Rooney's role as Mr. Yunioshi. Mickey could have ditched the Japanese bit and played an American and it wouldn't have changed anything.-u/throwingplaydoh


Blank Check. An adult woman kisses the little boy on the lips for waaaay longer than I'm comfortable with. Imagine if the genders were reversed.-u/halel27443


Red Dawn. Sure doesn't seem like the Russians would be capable of mounting any form of successful invasion of the US.-u/morgen_benner


Parody movies that dominated the mid-2000s and early 2010. You know, Scary Movie, Epic Movie, Meet the Spartans. Or any movies that tried to sell themselves as being written or produced by someone involved with the first scary movie.These movies will never age well because they are a product of that year: cramming pop culture references that happened in that specific production year into a movie. Sure you may have laughed at the movie when you saw them in the cinema because you understood what they are parodying, but someone in 10-20 years won't unless they have a Wikipedia tab open explaining what they are parodying.-u/Vaivaim8


Rambo 3. Where the Taliban are the good guys. Woof.-u/jeyise4954


G.I. Jane But the sequel has some good word of mouth going for it.-u/miltondelug



The Polar Express. Those animations are nightmare fuel.-u/mesoxe4600


Back To The Future 2. They had so much hope for us back then.-u/primkolor


TEACHERS with Nick Nolte. Warm fuzzy teacher helps a student get an abortion. She is knocked up by his buddy, the gym teacher, and they all want to keep it quiet. This was just a side story to show how much this teacher cared about his students...so gross....-u/mesoxe4600


Most Woody Allen movies.-u/oldgeek123



Tank Girl. Loved it as a kid - thought Lori Petty was SO COOL but man watching this movie as an adult was a 90-minute cringe fest-u/blacksweater


That one where John Wayne plays Genghis Khan-u/moondog8


Just saw this last night with the ladies in my family... Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Those ginger fellas literally went one by one and abducted the hottest chicks from some town then held them hostage for months until through Stockholm Syndrome the women all fell for them.-u/ridome9299



No movie has aged worse than The Birth of a Nation. It was, and still kind of is considered a cinematic masterpiece in terms of performances, action sequences and cinematography. But uh, the KKK are the good guys and it's basically the most racist movie of all time.-u/halel27443


Seeing “The Weinstein Company” producer credit on any movie has not aged well.-u/mesoxe4600


The Rambo sequels. First Blood is still pretty good, but the rest were all propped up by Rambo doing stunts that were badass at the time and mild by today's standards.-u/heelspider


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