25 Popular Films the Internet Thinks Are Vastly Overrated
We rely a lot on other people to tell us which movies are good. From Rotten Tomatoes to Youtube film critics, we get a general consensus on which movies are great.
Sometimes, though, the consensus is wrong. Some very beloved movies are completely overrated, and thanks to Reddit we've collected some of the worst offenders. Enjoy!

'Encanto.' Old matriarch being selfish? She learned a lesson when it was too late? I feel bad for any dude named Bruno now as they have to listen to that dumb song which means nothing. 'We don't talk about our brother because he told us things we didn't like'. Boohoo! -u/crew88

'Precious' based on the novel Push by Sapphire. Certified fresh on the Tomatometer, loved by audiences and critics alike. And it was just...a poverty torture fest. If it had been based on a true story it would have been incredibly meaningful but when you make that up out of whole cloth it hits different. It felt like a disservice to real people who've had things like this happen to them to just pile it all on one fictional character. -u/matt314159
'The Irishman.' The de-aging looked horrible. Young face on stooping body. -u/luca_the_heretic
'Pretty Woman.' Julia Robert’s as your typical drop-dead-gorgeous streetwalker with no discernible addiction or mental health problems and a heart of gold. And Richard Gere as the stunningly handsome millionaire who’s hard up for a date. Adorable! -u/jenel2583
For me, it’s 'The Greatest Showman.' Dunno if it was the same in the states but here in the UK everybody and their dog was raving about it saying it was the best musical ever. It’s meh. -u/Smiffaay
'Titanic' because this woman is dying and instead of talking about her husband and children she talks about a homeless dude she f*cked for 2 days. -u/StalinsJockstrap
Any 'Transformers' film. I love Transformers, but man, the movies stink. -u/Bring_Prowl_Back
'The Notebook.' Terrible movie with no actual romance. Five minutes in they expect the audience to believe these two people are in love?? -u/lovebugblues
I don’t understand how Gwyneth Paltrow got an academy award for 'Shakespeare in Love.' It's a romcom at best. -u/iluvvivapuffs
Personally for me? 'Frozen.' It doesn’t even come close to the OG Disney animated movies. -u/RockednRolled
Since we're all gonna die, there's one more secret I feel I have to share with you. I did not care for 'The Godfather.' -u/josephbollins
'The Fast and the Furious.' They should've stopped at the 2nd. 12 movies later and they're now in space. -u/Dense-Case3635
'Gravity.' Couldn't stand watching it and switched it off when she started barking with the dog. -u/ahx3000
'Into the Wild.' Bratty rich kid burns all his stuff, bums off others across the country, dies in the woods for no good reason. It’s so romanticized, but it’s complete bullsh*t. Tons of people I know were singing praises about the guy and it never made any sense to me. -u/Boatsinsm8
Every single movie with "The Rock." I think he is completely overrated and basically the Michael Bay of actors. -u/ytWatchletter
Literally had to turn off 'La La Land' less than halfway through. Sorry, can’t stand it . -u/Lightfoot_98
All Marvel Cinematic movies. Don't get me wrong, they are enjoyable to watch, just not worth the hype they bring. -u/PH3N1X