
Badass With Bulletproof BMW Rescues 70 People From ISIS Snipers

This ’90s-era BMW helped save dozens of lives in an attack last month in Iraq.


bulletproof bmw 7 series

When Ako Abdul Rahman was attacked by militants who were advancing on the city , "Kirkuk" Iraq, he realized that he needed protection. So he bought an early-’90s bulletproof BMW 7 Series at an auction for $10,000.


bmw bullet proof

On October 21 when ISIS carried out a series of attacks. Abdulrahman drove the bulletproof BMW right through the line of fire to save those who were injured, returning multiple times to collect more people. He ended up transporting more than 70 wounded people away from danger, he says, also carrying those who had died during the shootings.


ako abdulrahman

“I told myself, this is the right time to help people, this is the right moment to do it. I am a fighter and I have a bulletproof car, shame on me if I can’t help,” he said. “I kept telling myself, my people are in danger, they need me, my city is in danger, I have to protect it.”



The city of Kirkuk later recognized the soldier’s bravery during a meeting with the governor at the governor’s office. BMW has since contacted Ako offering him a brand new car for his bullet-ridden 7 Series to be displayed in BMW’s museum but he turned down the offer. Instead, he decided to repair his own car so he could keep driving it. Rahman said: "I only did what every Iraqi should do.

Categories: Wow

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