
Ancient Viking Ship Discovered in 1,000 Year Old Graveyard Using Radar

A Viking ship burial, feast hall and cult house have been found by archaeologists in Norway without having to dig into the soil - only using ground penetrating radar.

The discovery was made by experts from the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) at Gjellestad in southeastern Norway.

Full credit for text and image go to Daily Mail. If this story interests you and you want to learn more, I encourage you to read more on their site! If you're looking to play some video games about Vikings, you're in luck! Assassin's Creed has a new game out called, Assassin's Creed Valhala. We played it and it looks really fun!


A Viking ship burial, feast hall and cult house have been discovered by archaeologists in Norway without digging into the soil.


Archeologists attached ground-penetrating radar devices to tractors and drove them over the site.


The radar showed that the Viking ship was about 62ft long and was buried up to 4.6ft below the surface of the ground.



The discovery was made by the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU) at Gjellestad in southeastern Norway.


A berloque, which is a brass pendant, was also found at the site.


This might be tough to read, but the researchers were able to do a lot more research by using radar and not hurting any of the artifacts by digging the wrong way in the ground.


This is a closer diagram of the ship, it will be interesting to see what the researchers can learn about the Vikings from this discovery.

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