
Ex-NFL Player Gets the Best of United Airlines Worker in Fist Fight

As Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson used to say, "Know your role and shut your mouth."

A United Airlines worker found that out the hard way at Newark Airport. I'll preface this by saying we don't know what started the altercation, so we aren't going to speculate.

But since the video has now gone viral, we thought we'd at least give you a little hypothetical play-by-play. We hope you enjoy.


United Airlines fight - social group

The video jumps right in. A few words are exchanged and the gentleman in the hat makes first contact after a few missed punches. That man just happens to be former NFL player, Brendan Langley. In 2017 Langley was drafted by the Denver Broncos as a cornerback. So his job was literally hitting people as hard as he possibly could.


United Airlines fight - man

Here's the connection. Clearly these fellas don't give a sh*t about bystanders as this old woman is fighting for goddamn life.


But our friend in the United Airlines uniform isn't going down without a fight. Bold move of him to come back with a slap. Everyone knows the sequence of events is slap, punch, kick, kiss and make up.


Remember when I said Langley was a cornerback? Yeah, don't f**k with someone his size and expect not to get put flat on your a**.


LMAO. This poor United worker came in for his usual shift, thinking nothing of note was going to happen. Welp, goodnight sweet prince. After getting socked in the face for a second time, our fearless warrior gets taken out by the baggage claim counter head over heels. He would eventually make it back to his feet. Hopefully now humbled by this disastrous showing in the boxing ring.

You can watch the full video here. We'll put a graphic warning here, because the chonky dude who gets laid TF out does start bleeding. Just another reason not to go after a dude who played in the NFL. FULL VIDEO
Categories: Ouch Wtf Wow Fail

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