
Abandoned Dog Finds A New Home In The Most Unlikely Of Places

The cute little doggo not only found himself a new home but also a new job!


Sabrina Plannerer and her partner purchased a Shell gas station under construction in the town of Mogi das Cruzes, Brazil. It was around this time that she discovered the adult dog roaming around the site, after he'd been abandoned there by his former owner and was too frightened to leave.


Rather than try to shoo the dog away, they stepped in to help him.


"We adopted him immediately and got him all the care animals need. We took him to the vet to get vaccinated and de-wormed. We bought him food, a dog house, and a leash to take him on walks."



And when the gas station finally opened the dog, called Negão, even got a job...


... and an employee badge to prove it. "Negão waits for people to arrive, and then goes up to say hello, winning them over with his charms," Plannerer says. "Customers love him. Some people even bring him toys." Besides his work as a greeter Negão enjoys long walks with his owners and became a "poster pup" for an organization that helps stray dogs. Life is looking great now for this dog.

Categories: Ftw Feels

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