
13 Awesome Pics Of Things You Don't See Everyday

Things to pique your interest and give you a little big of knowledge.


In Iraq, in the book market, books remain in the street at night because Iraqis say: the reader does not steal and the thief does not read


The handwriting on a Russian medical prescription


Man after receiving 40 Sieverts of radiation.. More than 1 Sievert of radiation will make you sick and may kill you, more than 3 will almost surely kill you.



The Libertarian way to leave a “tip”


One of Saddam Hussein’s thrones at Al Faw Palace in Baghdad, Iraq in 2008


In Finland, PhDs are awarded sword as a symbol to defend what’s right and true


B-17 Flying Fortress Cockpit


The Woman Makes Prosthetic Pinkies for Ex-Yakuza Members


This Roller Coaster Will Literally Kill You. Here’s how the world’s oddest suicide method would work: First the rider would face a long, slow climb up to more than 500 meters, giving him or her a few minutes to think back on life and contemplate the decision. At the top, there would be time to say a prayer or blow a kiss to relatives (or bail) before pressing the “fall” button and plummeting into the long steep plunge followed by the first 360-degree loop. That’s where most riders would die. According to Urbonas, traveling at 100 meters per second, the person would experience a G-force-induced loss of consciousness due to cerebral hypoxia (lack of oxygen reaching the brain), which often causes a sense of euphoria. Just in case that first one didn’t do it, six more consecutive loops would finish the job. Building the structure would be a challenge. The Euthanasia Coaster would be more than three times the height of the world’s tallest roller coaster, the Kingda Ka, which took 18 months and $25 million to construct.



What each artist was paid for their Woodstock performance in 1969


State Hall of the Austrian National Library


Freedom of press map 2017 (by Reporters without borders)


The largest land vehicle ever built: Bagger 293 in Germany. Deemed the largest land vehicle in history by the Guinness Book of World Records, the Bagger 293 is the single best digging machine man has ever built. Built in 1995, this bucket wheel excavator is 315 feet tall—dwarfing the Statue of Liberty—738 feet wide and weighs more than 31 million pounds or 15,500 tons. Given all of that size, you’d think it takes a huge crew to run one. But you’d be wrong. Two people run the show. Its buzz saw-like 70-foot rotating wheel consists of a series of 20 buckets that easily and constantly slice into the earth’s surface, efficiently removing thousands upon thousands of pounds of overburden, the waste soil mining operations need to remove before getting to the coal below. Once the dirt has been scooped up, it’s transported by the conveyor belt running along the machine’s massive arm to the much smaller dump trucks below that will carry it off. The Bagger 293 is the largest machine of its kind but has several smaller siblings. The bucket wheel excavator has been around since the 1920s. You can watch two videos of the 293 in action below.

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