9 Ways To Hack Into Brains

The more of these tricks you learn, the closer you are to hacking into the matrix.


People tend to notice things they're looking for and ignore everything else. So if you want to throw someone off the scent, give them something else they'll think they were looking for.


Nodding your head while you talk makes people more inclined to agree.


If you want to throw someone off their game in sports or other competitions, ask them to break down what they're doing so well. Over-thinking what they're doing will likely make them fail more often.



People will be more relaxed around you if you match their posture and position. (e.g. Lean when back when they do, cross your legs when they do, etc.)


If you're looking for something, look from right to left. You are trained to look from left to right, so you're more likely to skip over things if your eyes automatically scan that direction.


When you need someone's help, say, "I need your help." The vulnerability will be appreciated, and most people won't deny someone who explicitly needs them.


The more ways you can make yourself look good, the better people will think you are at everything else. (e.g. Great clothing, posture, and hair will give people the impression that you have a great job, health, social life, and more.)


If someone is counting, and you want to be a jerk and screw them up, don't say random numbers--say numbers in a pattern. The counting person's brain will latch onto the pattern.


Posture can literally shape the way you perceive yourself. (e.g. If you spread your arms and legs out as far as you can for 2 minutes a day, you'll get a large boost of testosterone and other chemicals related to confidence.)


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