
7 Truly Bizarre World Championships That Actually Exist

Are you looking to compete in an event that's unique? Maybe one of these is for you!


The Mobile Phone Throwing World Championship- Believe it or not, mobile phone throwing is a national sport in Finland —competitors meet annually to see who can throw their handset the farthest.


Hide-and-Seek World Championship- Hide-and-seek may not yet be an Olympic sport (although efforts are being made in that regard), but it's apparently popular enough to have its own world championship.


Masturbate-a-thon- The Masturbate-a-thon is an event in which participants masturbate to raise money for charity, increase public awareness and dispel the shame and taboos that exist regarding this form of sexual activity. In 2009, Japanese sex toy representative Masanobu Sato broke his own record by masturbating for an impressive 9 hours and 58 minutes at the event. His previous record was 9 hours and 33 minutes.



World Snuff Championship- The goal of the snooty contest is to see which contestant can inhale 5 grams of snuff into his or her nostrils within a minute. The person who stuffs the most and has the cleanest work station wins the competition.


World Bathtubbing Championships- Bathtub racing started in Nanaimo, British Columbia and involves the use of a bathtub boat. The idea was conceived to showcase Nanaimo to the world.


Bed Racing World Championship- First staged in 1966, Bed Race has spawned other similar events in the U.S., Germany, and New Zealand, but the most famous competition happens in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire every year.


Air Sex World Championship- The how-tos are quite simple — you have 2 minutes to perform air sex, and you can include whatever you like, from seduction to actual intercourse.

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