
7 Types of People That Make a Concert as Irritating as Possible

With New Years parties coming at you fast, be ready to encounter these annoying people.


A guy with beer just HAS to walk through the dancing crowd. I don't mind free beer but not on my shirt.


Moshing or slamdancing is a style of dance where participants push or slam into each other, typically during a live music show. It's cool if you actually wanted to do it, but those guys that are the only ones that do it, and slam into everyone are extremely annoying. And the worst thing is they don't even understand that they're doing something wrong.


The Barbarians: They act similar to the "mosher" but do it totally on purpose. Those guys often jump between friends yelling and making gestures to show how "awesome" they are.



Next we have people that yell things at the musicians, during the song. Everyone likes to show they liked the song, but this individual waits for all the noise to be over to start his own whistling and yelling "right on!"


The person that had too much. He partied hard and now lies face down, mostly in the mud. It would be funny if he wasn't your driver.


The Phone Fu*ker: They range from naggers that comment on "crowds, bad food, and weak beer" to people that just HAVE to call home and scream how great the party is going, right in your ear.


We end with wannabe Spielbergs. They just stand there and record the concert, if you try to party they shush you- "Dude, I'm like recording this. Be quiet." They're not watching the concert now, they're not even going to watch it later- they just want to post it proving they've been there. In the end remember that despite those annoying people you can have fun and try not to be one of them. You know more examples of people that can spoil fun at a concert? Post in comments.

Categories: Facepalm

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