Funny 7 Bernie Sanders Jokes to Get You in The Mood For Elections packmule2 Published 08/12/2015 Somebody is going to be president. Could it be this guy? 1. Save 2. This is Bernie Sanders. Save 3. Save Advertisement 4. They say he doesn't stand a chance in the primaries. Save 5. Could his ideas be accomplished? Save 6. Or is it crazy to think it? Save 7. So who are you voting for? Save 8. Save 37 38,640 Views 53 Comments 0 Favorites Categories: Funny Funny Pictures Tags: haha hilary clinton president united states america usa debate politics political humor cycle running contest funny lulz Next Show Comments Next on eBaum's No Articles Found No Articles Found Sorry, we were unable to load more articles Try Again! Congratulations! You've reached the end of the never-ending list. {{title}}