
57 Wholesome AF Photos To Remind You Life is Beautiful

We can only enjoy so many
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    "This guy was outside of Walmart tonight"

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    "This note was left on the gate at the water this afternoon. No name or number left but whoever you are, rest assured your rose is in place in the middle of the lake." The note reads, "Please can someone throw this into the lake for me? My late husband's ashes are in the lake and I can't get to the lakeside in my wheelchair anymore + gates are locked — have to drive back up north tonight. Thank you x"

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    "NEVER FORGET that Mexico sent troops and aid to help us after Hurricane Katrina."

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    "Someone drove 10 miles to deliver my purse home 2 days after I lost it. They didn’t take any of the money from it, and didn’t leave a name so I can’t thank them properly. So whoever you are, you are pretty hecking wonderful."

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    "Was reading at a coffee shop and saw this guy looking up vet services for an injured sparrow he had just found."

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    "A minor example, but someone marked which button would silence the ads on the gas pump."

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    "A secret santa left gift filled Christmas stockings on all of the semi trucks at this Georgia truck stop"

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    "My MIL recently got out of an emotionally abusive relationship and is living on her own for the first time. My wife posted in a few local FB groups asking for people to donate some odds & ends. The response has been overwhelming! More still coming & over $600 in gift cards too!!"

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    "Went to a Starbucks drive thru and the car in front of me paid for my order and told the worker to give this to me"

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    "Driving across the country when my tire popped near KS/CO border. This guy pulled over within 30 seconds and helped me. If you are out there, thank you very much!"

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    "Pizza shop owner being a Pizza Bro"

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    "Older gentleman teaches young guy how to tie his tie"

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    "An older gentlemen’s electric scooter fell off the trailer at a stoplight. Instead of driving around and honking, everyone threw on their hazards and hopped out to help."

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    "My husband shared a story from work today and I couldn’t be prouder to have married him. It’s the little things people remember."

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    "Someone left gifts for the homeless guy sleeping in the park"

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    "I can’t remember ever directly speaking to this person yet they still reached out in my absence. It’s always the little things"

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    "This Japanese restaurant in my hometown, which lost a ton of business during this virus mess, went out and fed the homeless population in my area today"

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    "A Reddit stranger drove two hours and used his drone to recover Meadow, who was lost in the woods for 10 days."

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