
6 Worst Female Murderers

Don't scroll right if you see these ladies on Tinder.


Juana Barraza was a Mexican wrestler who killed at least forty-nine elderly women in the 1990s. In her defense, the victims were pretty old, so if she didn’t kill them, the heat probably would have.


Jane Toppan admitted to killing thirty-one people between 1885 and 1901 but was found not guilty due to insanity. She spent the remainder of her life in an insane asylum and was said to be proud of the killings all the way up until her death in 1938. At least she loved what she was good at.


Elizabeth Bathory holds the Guinness World Record for "most prolific female murderer" for her killings between 1590-1610. Though the number is widely debated, some believe her murder tally was as high as 650 victims. I like to think she could have hit 1,000 if it weren’t for that ridiculous glass ceiling.



Myra Hindley and her partner violated and murdered five children in England between 1963 to 1965. She was finally caught when her brother-in-law witnessed a murder and turned them in. In-laws are the worst.


Kristen Gilbert was known as “the angel of death.” She was a nurse that murdered by injecting people with epinephrine. Maybe she just thought everyone was having a severe allergic reaction?


Mary Ann Cotton poisoned three of her husbands and her twelve children between 1852 and 1872. Probably best not to invite Mary to your potluck.

Categories: Creepy

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