6 Cases of Gender Inequality

Shocking cases of inequality related to sexual freedom.


Melissa Nelson was fired from her job cuz, simply, she was too hot. This wasn't at the request of any coworkers, but of her boss's jealous wife, who was worried her husband might cheat on her with a piece of ass. Of course, it isn't the husband's fault he only hired female employees. It isn't the wife's fault she couldn't trust her husband. It had to be Nelson's, who by the way, immediately filed suit... to which she LOST. So beware, everyone: in this totally free country, you can and will be fired if your boss's spouse decides you may be a candidate for their wife or husband's wayward attraction.


Andrej Pejic is one male model the likes of which we need A LOT more of on magazine covers. Thanks to his beautifully androgynous looks, he struts the catwalk in male and female fashions. Yet after posing shirtless on a mag cover, Barnes and Noble sparked a controversy by deeming the image too "risky". Who cares that men show nips and abs in magazines constantly? Pejic, who is male, somehow is expected to go by more modest standards, since he deems himself "between genders" and reminds too many guys of chicks, which... let's be honest... makes them uncomfortable in ways their carefully conditioned egos don't wish to admit. And of course, that's his fault.


17 year old Clare was forcefully ejected from her own prom. Why? Because a group of dads who were chaperoning decided she was "too inappropriately dressed and would give their sons the wrong thoughts". Never mind the fact that older teenage boys being attracted to a lovely fellow student their own age, in a beautiful gown which followed dress code, is completely natural and normal. Or the fact a toddler could see this for what it was: a shitty excuse for creepy older men to hide the fact a minor was actually turning THEM on. But did these mens' complaints result in their immediate ejection from a teenage event? No... 17 year old Clare was to blame. She was ejected from her own dance, her evening ruined.The incident went viral, with the school refusing to comment. They were even so kind as to add insult to injury, refunding Clare's date's ticket. Apparently they felt sorry he had to go to prom with a harlot.



Poor Gozde Kansu. The host of a show in Turkey, she felt fabulous and wanted to wear a quite lovely gown on a special episode. Of course, she was fired for it the next day. At least she didn't go down without a fight. Kansu ripped apart producers and press, outing them as cowards for refusing to back her up in her decisions as a person doing what makes her happy. Especially when that "happy" merely involves some fabric and patterns instead of anything remotely involved with her abilities.


Women today can be as active a soldier as their male counterparts. However, if they're attractive as well, it must mean they can't do as good a job, right? That's what Col. Lynette Arnhart thought. A woman, in charge of a gender integration study no less, didn't like that Cpl. Kristine Tejeda looked pretty good in her field photo. Despite the fact Tejeda was currently deployed in Iraq, and not even wearing makeup, Arnhart decided she was too "made up" and "furthering the notion that women use looks to get ahead". She also sent letters to superiors informing them to use "real pictures of women on the front lines", completely ignoring the fact that's exactly what the photo showed to begin with. Luckily Arnhart was smart enough to step down once she was called out on her bullshit.


A Principal decides to fire a math teacher because he found bikini pics of her on the web. Yep. That's it. It didn't matter that the pictures contained nothing inappropriate. It didn't matter the pics were for a second job in modeling for some extra money. Apparently it DID matter that she was 26 and attractive while wearing a bikini, cuz think about it: How many ppl wear bathing suits in summer months? What do you think would make some creepy middle-aged fink, who for some reason was checking out half-nude women online at work btw, decide THIS woman's beach wear was taboo as opposed to the family waterpark pics of the 300-lb. lunch lady? Yeah, any idiot could guess. He was most likely jacking it in between parent meetings at his desk, and figured working with this hottie would compromise his behavior both at work, and while in bed with whatever he had at home. So naturally, her career had to be ruined.


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