50 Truly Brilliant Designs from Clever Minds
A good design is important both in the functionality and marketing aspects. One way to guarantee no one buys or uses your product is to make it poorly. These however are not those types of products.
Check out these well-designed products, ads, and architecture that showcase some of the brilliant ingenuity that humankind has to offer.
"Bed Sheet Tells You Which Side You Are Holding So That You Can Orientate It When Putting It On The Bed"
"“It’s The Hat” Clever Ad For Hut Weber, A German Hat Company. One Of My All Time Favorite Clever But Incredibly Simple Advertising Designs"
Self-taught American artist Brian Mock, turns reclaimed materials into breathtaking sculptures.
This door lock was designed to make it easier for the elderly, mobility limited, or drunk people to unlock their door.
A ladle that is flexible and allows you to reach all corners of the bowl / container / baking pan.
This park bench has rails underneath it so you can move it to different spots as the shade moves during the day.
The back cover of Dune. No matter how you turn or rotate it, it always says DUNE. Designed By Alex Trochut