47 Fascinating Side-by-Side Comparisons That Show How Diverse Our World Really Is
There is no denying the world (and universe for that matter) that we live in is a truly unique place full of all kinds of variety.
Whether it's the vast differences in creatures of the same species, or the stark contrasts of natural landscapes and urban environments, these differences and fascinating contrasts come together to create a truly vibrant tapestry of life! So we've put them side by side for you.

"People Always Told Me I Looked Like My Father. So When I Found A Photo Of Him At 28 Years Old, I Had To Recreate It When I Turned 28"
"The Difference In Appearance Of This Nuthatch After I Found It vs. After A 2-Hour Nap In A Shoe Box"
"The Evolution Of My Final Take On An Origami Portrait Compared To My First Attempt. Practice Makes Perfect, As We Say"
"It's Storming Outside One Of My Windows And Beautiful Outside The Other. The Windows Are Right Next To Each Other"
"The Size Difference Between Me And My Opposing Goalie The Other Night. I’m 5’3 Without Skates And He’s 6’7 Without Skates"
"100% All Purpose Flour vs. 100% Whole Wheat Flour (1/2 And 1/2 In The Middle) Same Recipe, Same Process"