37 Interesting Images and Fascinating Photos
The world is chock full of wonder; we just forget to look at it sometimes. Busy with children, significant others, work, we need the occasional reminder that there's plenty to see on this strange blue rock of ours. That, if we take a moment to actually attention, we'll be rewarded.

The world is chock full of wonder; we just forget to look at it sometimes. Busy with children, significant others, work, we need the occasional reminder that there's plenty to see on this strange blue rock of ours. That, if we take a moment to actually attention, we'll be rewarded.

“A quarter that I found underneath the agitator in my washing machine while cleaning it out. Been rubbed smooth after many wash cycles.”
“I put another type of shower gel on top of the old one, and after a few pumps they start ’raining’ down. Looks like melted wax.”
“The way the sky reflected off the glass at sunset made the balconies look as though they were floating.”