33 Unfortunate Individuals Experience The Wrath of the Universe
We all have bad days in life, it's simply unavoidable at times. These people are having a rough go of things and it is totally relatable for most of us. So check out this gallery of people who are experiencing the suckage of life and know that you're not alone.

my sister bought me donuts for my birthday. they were left outside for 4 minutes. found this next street over later.
It's 35°C out here, what a bunch of jerks. Can't even fish it out, the water is toxic at this point.
Amazon left my package at the wrong door this morning. I went to the condo that was in the delivery photo. and it's already gone and they won't answer the door. I know they saw me at the door because they have a camera. I literally went there within 5 minutes of the delivery.
Terrible neighbors gave an F-You to the neighborhood. My mom loved walking our dog and now she has to get in the street.
When I purchased this textbook for a college class, I expected to receive an actual book. They sent a stack of hole punched paper that I had to put in a binder instead.
My husband always puts the empty nasty egg shells back in the egg holder instead of in the garbage.
Why are these Razor companies, so bent on making the most Indestructible packaging in the world. Tougher to get through than steel.
“Neighbor across from me’s trash cans. I don’t know what happened to them, my dad says they weren’t like this when he left for work in the morning.”
“Been feeling down lately so wanted to treat myself with a new face mask… got chemical burn instead”