32 Spectacular Pics For The More Refined Viewer

Laurent Ballesta stitched together 147 different photos to capture the bottom of this iceberg near Ilot de la Vierge, Geologie Archipelago, Antarctica.

A lobster larva using a captured jellyfish as both transport - and since several legs are missing - a convenient snack (Anthony Berberian).

An anteater munches on a termite mound that is glowing with bioluminescent click beetle larvae that are in turn attempting to lure mating mosquitos from the air above in Brazil (Marcio Cabral).
A gathering of giants as dozens of sperm whales mingle off Sri Lanka's northeastern coast, showing numbers rebounding after commercial whaling laws were enforced in 1986 (Tony Wu).
Moddi plays "forbidden" songs from inside Kirkhelleren cave where the remains of a 9,000 year-old fishing angler was found. Traena Islands, Norway (Klaudia Lech).
"Carbon Copy", a blue 1988 Plymouth Caravelle with fiberglass glitches stands on its nose in Edmonton, Canada (Caitlind r.c. Brown and Wayne Garrett).
This isn't crops or fields of flowers - it's tens of thousands of unused rental bikes in a field near Shanghai, China (Yibo Wang).
Overproduced, abandoned, and broken bikes are piling up in Shanghai, clogging streets and walkways.
A rare photograph of the Northern California Straw Shrimp, placed on the endangered species list just this year.
Zoom in for detail of the incredible Sukh Chayn Gardens Blue Mosque in Lahore, Pakistan (Mir Studios).
2016 Aston Martin Vulcan: The 800hp 7-liter V12 does 0-60 in 3 seconds, with an estimated top speed of 225 mph, all for the bargain price of $2.3 million.
The 2nd and 9th tallest buildings in the world peek above the clouds in Shanghai, China. The 2,073-foot Shanghai Tower stands to the left of the 1,614-foot bottle opener Shanghai World Financial Center.
Photo credit: The Intrepid Guide - Most pics of the pyramids fail to convey how immense they really are ... white chick for scale. See it HERE.
14-year old Melanie Griffith frolics in the pool with Neil, your typical run-of-the-mill domesticated 400lb lion.
Victoria Silvstedt poses with Donald and oh-my Melania Trump in 2003 at Playboy's 50th Anniversary party.
Not a sinking ship, it's the FLIP Floating Instrument Platform. Towed out horizontally, it takes 30 minutes to fill with water and rotate 90 degrees, then stays that way for weeks at a time. Read more here: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/flip-ocean-research-platform-scripps
FLIP decks, the unflipped FLIP, and wacky details inside: perpendicular sinks, sideways doors, an angled towel rack that works in both orientations.