28 Scammers Who Failed at their Attempt to Scam
The internet(and the world for that matter) is full of people trying to make a quick buck. Some of those people have no personal qualms or perhaps no sense of morality and don't mind lying, cheating, and stealing their way to some quick cash. These dirtbags tend to go after the elderly and those who are less familiar with the internet and common scams, and sadly they rake in big bucks.
Last year alone in the United States it is estimated that phone scammers scammed people out of 28 billion dollars in 2021. When you consider they typically range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per scam, that is a heck of a lot of theft by scams going on.
A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that if something sounds like a scam, it probably is.

The internet(and the world for that matter) is full of people trying to make a quick buck. Some of those people have no personal qualms or perhaps no sense of morality and don't mind lying, cheating, and stealing their way to some quick cash. These dirtbags tend to go after the elderly and those who are less familiar with the internet and common scams, and sadly they rake in big bucks.
Last year alone in the United States it is estimated that phone scammers scammed people out of 28 billion dollars in 2021. When you consider they typically range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per scam, that is a heck of a lot of theft by scams going on.
A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that if something sounds like a scam, it probably is.