31 "Influencers" Who Just Arrived From Planet Cringe
Influencers are not renowned for their salt-of-the-earth, grassroots appeal -- which shouldn't be surprising, considering the entire premise of their existence is a false display of reality appealing to our most base instincts. But, like any group of people, there are good, bad and average individuals involved.
But, again, like any group of people, there are the outliers, the people who really make waves with just how insanely out of touch they are with how the world works. people who forgot how to people. Down below are the cringiest influencers spotted in recent weeks who need to be reminded of the mechanics of the universe.
"It's going to be miserable, cost you money and I'm going to overwork you. But, if you work hard at the job for a quarter of the year, you might get the job."
"Basically, I need you to choose a career path and commit to training and investment in equipment so that I can do none of that."
"Alongside my over-inflated sense of value, let me also quite literally advertise the merits of the establishment itself while making it clear how much of a d**k I am."
"Surprise me with something for free, and in exchange I'll do what normal people do anyways with things they purchased."