
22 Things That Made People Quit Their Jobs On The First Day

If your first day at a new job is a disaster, the place might not be worth a second chance. That's what some of these people thought when they quit their jobs after the first day.

Like in a relationship, red flags often present themselves early., When they do, it can be better to run for the hills than to wait and see them all materialize into problems.


They wanted us to make our first sales to friends and family members. If your first option is for me to make money off the people I care about most, there's really nowhere to go but down.


They lowered the rate from what was agreed upon and became upset when I spoke up about it.


Cost of parking was more than the wage. They told me to move my car from the back of the store to an expensive parking deck. I drove home.



I'm a fish hobbyist and I got a job in the fish department at PetCo. On my first day they wanted me to take out all the rocks from each tank, scrub them and put them back in the tanks, one tank at a time. Moving those releases bad bacteria and can get the fish sick or kill them. I explained this to them and said that it was best to just do a water change for 20% of each tank. They said basically, sorry this is what corporate says and you have to do it. I was like, "Okay, I'll do it after lunch." I never came back from lunch.


Was supposed to be an office job, straight salary. Got there the first day and it turned out to be door to door sales, commission only. Not even people who had expressed interest; just literally cold calling but in person at their door instead of on the phone. Didn't even stay to hear the end of their explanation of how really, if you think about it, this "is" the job they advertised and interviewed me for, just "better."


I was specifically told to park in a certain lot to pick up my parking sticker on the first day. My *almost* manager met me at the front of the building to walk me to security and get my sticker and show me around, but was a complete a*****e for about 3 hours. I was asking questions about what's expected/priority (you know, the usual first day stuff) and he just shot down every question so condescendingly. Lunch time comes around, so I walk out to vape real quick / put the f*****g sticker on and guess what? My goddamn car is GONE. Why? They towed my car because I didn't have a sticker yet. I called my sister to pick me up, never went back to that place. $250 to get my f*****g car and a waste of a day.


It wasn't quite the first day. During the interview I informed them that I would not work on Sunday. The interviewer told me that would be acceptable. During my two week training, I did not have to work on Sundays. My first week after the training, I was scheduled to work that Sunday. I protested and reminded my manager about the agreement during the interview. He informed me that they couldn't always honor it and that I would sometimes be expected to work my fair share of Sundays. I quit on the spot and walked out.


They hired me for the wrong position, one which I was woefully unqualified for and not interested in faking. The first day the "grunts" were training the "expert" on the most basic stuff and it became clear to everyone I had no business being there. After the shift I handed in my hard hat and told management to do their homework next time.


I had a telemarketing job where I had to pay $75 up front, and forgo commission for the first month. I said "F- this," gave them all the finger as I walked out. A friend left 30 minutes later. It was some illegal call center in an apartment. The building still pisses me off walking by it.



Wendy’s. There was an assistant manager whose only job seemed to be pacing around behind us during lunch rushes, repeating in a dull monotone, “c’mon, let’s make those burgers. C’mon, let’s go faster, make those burgers.” When I didn’t make burgers fast enough because my only training consisted of watching a 30-minute video, the manager sneered, “why don’t you just go wash dishes, then? You CAN wash dishes, can’t you?” That’s when I walked off the job.


They forced us to pray together every morning and recite the pledge of allegiance. The only thing I have allegiance to is my 14 year old arthritic dog Bisco.


Showed up to a summer temp job making furniture. The foreman met us in a break room before we started and mentioned the jobs were full time. We were students; couldn't do a full-time gig. He goes, "Well, you're here. I'll pay you for a day if you want to work." So I did. It was great. Loved seeing how it all worked. Met a few guys I ended up playing hoops with on the weekends.


I didn't even last a full shift. It was Pizza delivery. It was the early 90s; I was 20. My first shift was in torrential rain, driving a 1967 VW Beetle (with a flat windscreen). Two orders required me to go back because the pizzas weren't the ones ordered. Then I arrived back to see that one of the other drivers had been shot in the leg with an air-rifle by Ricky the Shift-Manager. I started at noon. Quit at 8.30pm. Can't remember if I was ever paid; didn't care.



I was promised $17 an hour. I showed up for my first training day and started on paperwork. The onboarding documents said “$7.00 an hour plus average weekly tips equaling an average of $17 an hour.” Got up and walked out.


Slowly started changing the terms of employment during the day. Started off "10 hour days 5 days a week £8/hour." Shifted to "sometimes you have to work weekends too." Then, "actually it's crunch season right now so we're going to expect you to work Saturday and Sunday this week." Then, "actually we'll need you to stay Saturday and Sunday most weeks." Then, "You'll be working Saturday and Sunday for the foreseeable future." Then, "We'll need you to stay a few hours after work today"Then "Actually you'll be working 12-14 hours a day 7 days a week for the next 6 months"Yeah nope.


My son lasted up to the afternoon break on a new job, when the supervisor asked him to work overtime until midnight. No thank you.



They didn't pay some of the workers their salary because of mismanagement (boss messed up and decided that he wasn't gonna have his 6 figure salary deducted), and tried to make me sign a contract where my salary is less than what was agreed upon. They also added two extra jobs in my position that I had to do and apparently I am to be on-call at all times. I was desperate but I wasn't stupid. You know it's bad when even before I could unpack at my new desk three co-workers came up and warned me to read my contract carefully and told me it sucked to work there. I wasn't even there for 30 minutes.


We hired someone to work at a freezer warehouse and he only showed up for one shift. He seemed ecstatic about the pay (20/hr for basic material handling, picklines, etc), but seemed to realize that humans hate being treated like machines, so we never saw him again. He was not the only one. My favorite time is when my manager hired 18 new people because he fully expected 80% of them to flake and not show the next day. Sure enough, only 3 even showed up.


Hired as a banquet captain at a very prestigious (4 diamond) hotel. First solo shift after orientation. Had multiple banquet rooms. Mine was all set up 3 hours before the event started. The massive kitchen was cranking our food for 100 people. I grabbed a tray of food and ran it into the servers. The captain of that room asked me, "What are you doing?" I said just trying to help clear the line. "Worry about your own dining room." I told them my dining room was all set and not seating until 5. She says, "then go stand against a wall until your event starts." So I decided to go outside and smoke. On my long as walk out of there I was trying to make sense of her attitude, but she was my superior. The chef couldn't plate food because the line was backed up. Nobody wants to stare at food dying. Got in my car and never looked back. They mailed me my check.



They used the L. Ron Hubbard training material.


I worked as a Nissan quick lube tech for one day. I left because on day one they told me they would bump me from $12 hourly to a $14 flag hour. I did the math and on a busy day I would make not even enough to pay my bills. Never went back.


Everyone there was miserable and they provided no training. I walked out mid day.

Categories: Wtf Wow People & Lifestyle

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