30 Everyday Annoyances We'd Like to Return to the Maker of the Universe
Trying to click x on an ad but actually clicking on the ad and it redirects you to the play store
When you wake up in the middle of the night and you want to go back to sleep but you have to pee
That moment when something's stuck in between your teeth and your tongue can locate it just fine, but your fingers or a toothpick can't...
The two ads on YouTube that are long enough to be annoying, but aren’t long enough to be skipped.
Stickers that peel off easily 80% of the way, but leave behind 20% that are bonded to the surface of the object for life.
When you have that little bit of skin hanging off your finger that you end up ripping it off to your elbow
When you rip a paper towel off and that little corner doesn’t come with and stays on the next paper towel. I think we can all agree that we hate that.
Being told “We need to talk later” Why did you give me the notification? Now I’m gonna be riddled with anxiety until we talk. You could’ve just said nothing.
When you think the hot drink has cooled enough to drink, but then you find out you were wrong, so wrong.
Wearing wet socks. I legitimately hate my entire existence if I get caught in the rain and get my shoes and socks wet.
The spot you get on your face that turns up just in time for your big night out, and its one of those that doesn't get a head on, it just sits there looking red and angry.