30 Pics That Are Amazing and Fascinating
Featured 12/01/2020
Cool stuff to look at. If you're into looking at funny pictures, then we've got loads more for you to do. We've got many cool pics where these came from.
1. “This is a picture of Abu Tahsin al-Salhi, an Iraqi veteran sniper who is credited with killing over 384 ISIS members during the Iraqi Civil War, receiving the nickname “Hawk Eye.” The leader of ISIS was so afraid of him, he put a bounty of $250,000 on the sniper.”
17. “Venezuela’s hyperinflation has made the Bolivar virtually worthless; Venezuelans that moved to Colombia commonly weave bills into bags and wallets, then sell them on the streets.”
19. “48 different colors of the moon, all photographed at different places in Italy in a time span of 10 years.”
20. “This rare phenomenon is called "Baikal Zen", where rocks lying on the surface of frozen lakes are heated by sunlight that emits infrared rays, melting the ice below. When the sun sets, the ice freezes again, creating these incredible frozen near-impossible structures.”
22. “An architect named Ronald Rael installed sets of seesaws between the border of US and Mexico, bringing people together from both sides.”
23. “This snow goggles, known as Iggaak, is a testament of the exceptional indigenous ingenuity of the Arctic people to prevent photokeratitis. It is by far the oldest form of vision-related eyewear in the world, albeit without any form of corrective lens!”
24. “The Trier Gold Hoard is the largest Roman gold hoard ever discovered. It comprises more than 2650 aurei with a total weight of about 18.5 kilograms.”
27. “My grandma has owned these glasses for 36 years. Turns out that they are unsolid gold with Ruby.”
28. “I don't know what the hell is this, but we obviously have some serious craftsmanship here.”