30 Clever Tips and Tricks to Hack Your Way Through Life
Life is hard enough playing on normal mode. Instead of spending your time playing wack-a-mole with your responsibilities and obligations, why not slip in a few cheat codes to take the edge off and switch on over to easy mode? Snag a couple of life hacks down below and get coastin'!

Life is hard enough playing on normal mode. Instead of spending your time playing wack-a-mole with your responsibilities and obligations, why not slip in a few cheat codes to take the edge off and switch on over to easy mode? Snag a couple of llife hacks down below and get coastin'!

Saying "thank you" instead of apologizing for things that don't need apologies. I'm a chronic apologizer and it's helped a lot. For example, if I have a bad day and vent to my husband, instead of saying "sorry for venting and bringing down the mood" I'll say "thank you for listening and being supportive." It puts a much more appreciative and positive light on your relationships!

not quite literally daily, but everytime it comes up, I say to myself "righty tighty lefty loosey". Even if english is not my primary language lol
I stopped doing any kind of work in my dorm room at college and only did it at the libraries. Not only did I become way more productive, but I enjoyed being in my room a lot more. It’s way more comfortable (and easier) to fall asleep when you’ve taken a 15 minute walk home then when you’ve been working at your desk in the same room for 4 hours.
My alarm clock is across the room, requiring me to get out of bed to turn it off. Prevents me from falling back asleep.
Washing dishes while cooking. Now it’s at a point where I just do it because I want a clean kitchen.
Preparing/getting stuff ready the night before. For example: Getting my shoes and putting them by the front of the door Packing my backpack with all the things I'll need for that day Getting my underwear, shirt, pants, etc. out and folding them in a pile Packing lunch(es) for that day No more running around in the mornings looking for stuff on a time crunch! It’s become so much less stressful when I know where everything is and I can just get everything (on) and leave.
Getting all the sleep I need. I noticed a while back how literally everything is better when I am well rested and I don't care if people make fun of me for sleeping 9h every night. I have never pulled an all nighter in college and when I do hikes that start really early I just go to bed for the night in the late afternoon the day before and still get my sleep. Nothing standing between me and my bed lol
You dont have to follow the rules. Doing half the dishes is better than doing none. Having a clean hamper and a dirty hamper is completely acceptable. Nobody said the socks in your drawer had to be paired up, either. Focus on one thing in general and apply it to the whole house that day, like just do floors or surfaces. There's nothing wrong with your kids being bored sometimes, that's their problem. Let them figure it out, but don't limit what they're able to do. You don't have to "pick" what to have for dinner every night, we rotate through staples every week. If we get bored, we just eat what we feel like. Nothing wrong with a bowl of cereal and a sandwich for dinner, as long as everyone's fed and the rest of the day wasn't junk.
Glass of water in the microwave to cook food that isn't already frozen. Works really well with things like pasta that you want to reheat and not get that really bad rubberized texture. The temp of the water is also usually a good tell on how hot your food is, so you don't need to go and taste it cold.
Drink. Water.
It's something so simple yet so often ignored.
But, staying well hydrated helps me feel better, look better, rest better (yeah, there's the 3:30am bathroom trip, but that's after three hours of sleep. I didn't toss and turn for three hours before then,) etc.
And it will help you live longer. Your organs will thank you.
When I'm trying to sleep in bed at night I go over what I did that day and think of everything I did in a positive light or as if it's part of a goal I'm working towards. I've never been depressed (or at least diagnosed with it!) but this helps feeling like I've accomplished something and I can feel better about what I've done. Celebrate every little thing you did, and also it helps me fall asleep a little bit faster too.
Drinking one cup of water for every two alcoholic beverages. I keep a bottle of water by my bedside before I go to bed. When I wake up to go pee I chug as much as I can and pass back out. End up with far less of a hangover
“Don’t put it down, put it away” Edit: thanks for the awards and badges etc everyone! I truly don’t know what they mean but appreciate it lol. A lot of ppl here saying “please tell my wife” or “please tell my husband”; Funny enough, my WIFE is the one that made me live by this. She saw it on an ADHD subreddit she frequents (to get a better idea of what goes on in my head lol). She’s an amazing person. Thanks again everyone.
I bought 24 pairs of the same socks and threw the rest of miss matching ones away. I have a couple “winter socks” and that’s it.
Shopping a list. Putting things on a list when they need to be replaced and the sticking to the list when I go shopping. It's probably saved me many thousands of dollars by now.
If you have to put something down for a bit, like say your phone or glass of water, say out loud, "I'm putting this ____ here." I guess that by doing that you engage different parts of you brain and makes it more likely for you to remember where you put something when you need it again.
Empathizing with someone when they're angry. This has saved me countless times in my customer service career.
That moment trick from Deadpool.
I have a bad temper, not going to lie. It felt uncontrollable for a while, but it was just because I was always so quick to react.
Like as a kid, if my brother said something that rubbed me the wrong way, the next moment, I was trying to fight my brother without even thinking.
Now, if something ticks me off, I catch myself and think about why that thing upset me. 9 times out of 10, I'm just being dumb and allowing something dumb to upset me. This helps a lot if you rage in video games. Most of the time if you're raging in a game at someone on your team, you're the problem.
I flip my pill bottles after taking them so I remember if I took them or not. really helps if you take the same pill in morning and at night.
I got three. Putting green onions in water and not in the fridge before using them, and then also putting the white parts in water after using the greens. They grow back quickly so you can use them again. The finger trick for measuring water for rice. It works every time and the rice comes out perfect. And neem oil for my plants, they love it.
A work from home life hack I adopted was using break time from work to do low mental energy chores. Stuff like dusting furniture and vacuuming the pool is a nice break from the mental energy of working and I’m getting stuff done.
having a notepad on my pantry door. When I take something out I jot it down voila instant shopping list.
-Taking my dog for a 20 min. walk first thing in the morning to get my brain and body moving -Filling a water bottle and leaving it on the kitchen counter before bed so I'll remember to chug it first thing in the morning. My day is completely different when I start it off well-hydrated. -Doing 15-20 minutes of light cleaning after work to save from doing a ton of housework on the weekends.
Not sitting down until everything is done. Come home from work, get changed, put the laundry on, do the dishes, make dinner/meal prep, clean the house a bit, walk the dog. Do everything thats needed of you before you sit down on the couch/to have dinner.
Brushing with my Left hand, I'm right handed and I read back in the day that if you train your brain to use your non dominant hand you'll be good in task management I think.